Bird Help
I grew up with the idea that the nature around us was to be revered and that we are as much a part of nature as the flora and fauna. I was taught to try and leave no footprint in today’s parlance and that we have a great responibility given our destructive powers to help preserve and foster the natural world. My parents were well ahead of their time, understanding progress continuing in the status quo means the eventual demise of nature and ouselves.
I have chosen the issue of bird migration through the Chicago area because it is a cycle far older than our city and yet few people are aware of it or the high toll it takes on the birds. Thousands of birds are killed or injured every year as they fly through the Chicago area each Spring and Fall. Most collisions occur when birds are distracted by lights or reflections in high rise buildings. However,
Chicago is progressive with it’s Lights Out Chicago campaign which encourages tall building management to turn off the lights on upper floors. The Chicago Bird Monitors come to the aid of hundreds of birds each season and attempt to keep tab on the numbers of killed birds
IDEA: I want to raise awareness to bird migration through Chicago as well as to inform people as to what actions to take if they’ve found a bird which as been injured or killed.
FORM: I plan to make cards, 3x5” which will include a rendering of the bird, it’s name and date that it was found. I will include information about the species as well as their migratory habits. There will be a short description of the CBCM and how to contact them.
The cards will be laminated with a hole punch in one corner. I will attach the cards to existing structure such as posts with large rubber bands on the sight where the birds were found. Some cards may be taped directly to the sidewalk on the sight. I may employ other methods of securing the cards dependent on the location. Finders have a choice to leave the cards in place or to carry them away to have a record of the bird, the event and CBCM’s information.

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